Arch Angel Metatron

This original artwork has been one of my favorites to create and it is now available in various prints and products, as well as the original.

Who is Arch Angel Metatron?

Archangel Metatron is the angel of time, growth, transformation, sacred geometry, awakening, and more. Metatron protects the akashic records and helps others awaken to their divine missions. He is also known to send messages through angel numbers like 11:11, 222, 333, 444 and beyond. Metatron is one who helps bring dreams, desires and wishes to the surface and alignment and Sandolphon is apparently the angel of helping grant those wishes. Once you set forth on the timeline to call in your desires Sandolphon helps Metatron align things to make wishes come true.

Affirmation : “ I am in divine alignment with my journey through time and space.”

Find this painting in other products *here*