Angel Momma 5x7 Art Print

Angel Momma 5x7 Art Print

from $10.00

This is a 5x7 glossy cardstock print of an original Shannon Shine art piece. You may contact for more information on originals or custom orders. 

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* This is a purchase of a print only. The frame is not included. You can purchase a standard 5x7 frame for your new piece at any typical frame location or custom frame your collection and for a wonderfully luxurious finish and enjoyment, ask your framer for museum quality non-reflective glass.

About the Artwork:
The experience of motherhood looks different for each person. The journey can often be a bumpy road full of unexpected decisions to be made. This piece was a channeling of emotions to help me process the loss of my angel baby. It was an experience that was often hard for me to talk about because it was the most confusing, painful, and lonely part my of life. I want others to realize they are not alone.

If this speaks to you or someone you know please know that I infused this image with love and if you choose to be a keeper of it I am sending blessings to you and your family.Let the womben of your life know they are not alone in this journey. The rise as an angel momma is scary and heavy. It's something that never leaves your heart. It can feel very lonely at times. But the truth is…we are never alone. Shine on always.