Phoenix Teacher Print or Canvas

Phoenix Teacher Print or Canvas

from $10.00

This is a 5x7 cardstock print of an original Shannon Shine art piece. You may contact for more information on originals or custom orders. 

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* This is a purchase of a print only. The frame is not included. You can purchase a standard 5x7 frame for your new piece at any typical frame location.
- ORIGINAL IS SOLD- Contact for more info on different sized prints.
About the Artwork:
This painting embodies the transformative energy of the phoenix, guiding us through the shadows of rebirth and towards new directions. Each brushstroke channels the wisdom of spiritual teachers, reminding us that from every ending, a powerful new beginning emerges. Embrace the journey of renewal and enlightenment with this piece. 🕊️🔥

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Hummingbird 5x7 Print

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Foxy Vinyl Sticker

Sale Price:$4.00 Original Price:$5.00